Choose a Course

Welcome to the Ladakh Mountain Guide Association’s comprehensive mountain adventure courses. Our courses are designed to provide students and adventure seekers with the skills, knowledge and experience needed to safely navigate and enjoy the rugged landscapes of Ladakh. Our experienced instructors are dedicated to sharing their expertise and passion for the mountains with you. Choose from our range of courses

Ladakh Mountain Guide Association Training Program

Step to Summit
Basic Ice Climbing
7 Days | Course
Winds of Change
Intermediate Ice Climbing
4 Days | Course
Master of Mantle
Advanced Ice Climbing
4 Days | Course

Important Notice: The Ladakh Mountain Guide Association (LMGA) is currently not offering courses. Please be aware of scammers who might try to contact you about fake courses. The LMGA will never initiate contact through messages or emails about courses. We will announce any upcoming courses through official channels.