Guide Charges of Ladakh Mountain Guide Association

The Ladakh Mountain Guide Association is committed to providing exceptional guiding services to adventure enthusiasts exploring the stunning landscapes of Ladakh. In line with our dedication to professionalism and ensuring fair compensation for our members, we regularly review and update our rate list to reflect the evolving industry standards and economic factors.

Purpose of the Update

The recent update to our rate list aims to streamline our pricing structure and ensure that our mountain guides and trekking guides receive fair compensation for their expertise and services. This update also takes into account the rising costs of living and operating in the region as well as the increased demand for guided expeditions and treks in Ladakh.

What is the Mountain Guide Charges in Ladakh ? 

Guide Peak Range Rate
Guided Expedition 5700m – 6400m INR 5000
Guided Expedition ( Technical) Above 6400m INR 7000
Alpine Climbing  – INR 7500
Mountain Rescue (Inland)  Within Ladakh INR 12500
Trekking/ Hiking  – INR 3500
  • The price is based on per day.
  • Insurance will not included in the price.

This rate reflects the extensive training, experience and expertise required to safely lead expeditions in the challenging terrain of Ladakh. Our mountain guides undergo rigorous training programs and possess in-depth knowledge of the local geography, weather patterns and emergency procedures to ensure the safety and enjoyment of our clients.

The Ladakh Mountain Guide Association remains committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, safety and quality in our guiding services. We believe that fair compensation for our guides is essential to maintaining the integrity of our association and providing our clients with unforgettable experiences in the breathtaking landscapes of Ladakh.